Using the library, no source code compilation.

Please point the CLASSPATH variable at the at each jar-archive in the directory jar-files. Ie. on Linux (it's similar on Windows) type

CLASSPATH=$CLASSPATH:path_to_colt.jar/colt.jar (same with all other archives)


To make these changes permanent type this into your .bash_profile. For your convenience we will assume that you will leave the java archives in the directory jar-files and that path is the path to the the parent directory of jar-files. Then on a Linux system you need:

CLASSPATH=$CLASSPATH:path/jar-files/aida.jar:path/jar-files/colt.jar :path/jar-files/freehep-base.jar:path/jar-files/freehep-graphics2d.jar :path/jar-files/freehep-graphicsio.jar:path/jar-files/jas.jar :path/jar-files/jcommon-0.6.1.jar:path/jar-files/jfreechart-0.8.1.jar :path/jar-files/junit.jar:path/jar-files/martingale.jar


Replace "path" with whatever is the actual path in your directory tree, copy and paste this into your .bash_profile and issue this from the command line or log out and log in again. In Windows this should be similar, tutorials are on the web. You are then ready to run programs.

For example to run the main method of the class DirichletDemo in the package Examples.Probability you simply issue

java Examples.Probability.DirichletDemo

from the command line. Note that you have to use fully qualified class names. This assumes that the Sun SDK 1.3 or higher is installed on your system.

Working with source code.

If you want to compile the source code in the directory packages-5-30-03 (abbreviated as "packages" below) or add your own source code you must also point the CLASSPATH variable at the directory packages. Ie. on Linux (it's similar on Windows) type


In this case the CLASSPATH variable must not point at the martingale.jar archive also.

Integrated Development Environment (IDE)

The most convenient approach is to work in an IDE such as the free and open source netbeans and mount the directory packages and all the archives in the directory jar-files at the IDE.